Italy | Give your Italian holiday the perfect touch in a holiday home with its own pool: Splash about with the whole family in the water or let yourself completely relax.
Italian Adriatic | A vacation in a holiday park is particularly ideal
for families. As parents you can lean back and relax whilst your kids
are taken care of your hands and are fully entertained.
Italy | With these holiday houses it is explicitely allowed to bring pets so
that your faithful four legged friend can also enjoy a relaxing and
eventful holiday.
An atraveo-customer wrote on 19/08/2012 in German, travel period: August 2012
“Kleiner, nicht touristischer Ort. Hier kann man das echte Italien kennenlernen. Unbedingt die Pizzeria im Ort besuchen "I due Gallozzi" Via Filippo Nicolai 171 - die Pizzen sind der Hammer.”
This review has been given for property no. 721426
An atraveo-customer wrote on 09/07/2012 in German, travel period: June 2012
“In Caprarola ist alles Notwendige vorhanden, Restaurants, Supermärkte alles da,
da der Landsitz etwas außerhalb liegt, ist ein Auto zwingend erforderlich. Da wir viele Ausflüge unternommen haben (nach Rom ca. 1 Stunde Autofahrt, ans Mittelmeer usw.), hatten wir über den gesamten Urlaub einen Leihwagen.”
This review has been given for property no. 721426
atraveo customer Johan Van Poucke wrote on 14/02/2012 in Dutch, travel period: July 2011
“Booschappen in het dorp, enkele minuutjes met de auto. Villa Farnese met bijhorende tuinen zeker te bezoeken! Ook goede uitvalsbasis om Rome te bezoeken.”
This review has been given for property no. 721427
atraveo customer Biedrony wrote on 18/08/2011 in Polish, travel period: July 2011
“We can say: it's near to Roma and it's a good point to start a short (medium) trip around the Umbria. Capparola: funny streets and specific surroundings.”
This review has been given for property no. 721426